
Tuesday 16 June 2015

5 Ways To Burn Your Belly Fat

In many parts of the world, most people struggle with belly fat, it is a serious issue because not only is it dangerous it also gives you a not so fine look.
5 Ways To Burn Your Belly Fat
You must know that belly fat can lead to a lot of diseases like dementia, heart diseases, diabetes and the list goes on. These diseases weaken the liver and boost your metabolism so that your body targets fat which is a dangerous to your health.
However, you not need to undergo various kinds of surgeries in order to burn belly fats as there are natural remedies you can achieve this results without any side effects.
There are several ways in which we can reduce body fat. One of the ways is to avoid fatty foods as there are foods and spices that can help loose belly fat.
Below are five natural and effect ways you can try:
1 Ginger Tea
5 Ways To Burn Your Belly Fat
Ginger Tea
Asides from the fact that ginger is a natural digestive agent, ginger is also one of the thermo genic agents which helps increase the body temperature which in turn helps to burn fat much more efficiently. Belly fat sometimes is due to over eating, stress, lack of exercise etc which can be reduced by using ginger as a daily aid because ginger is said to suppress cortisol production, a steroid hormone essential for regulation and mobilisation.
2 Green Tea
5 Ways To Burn Your Belly Fat
Green Tea
Green tea is essential for a lot of things and it has been stated that having four cups of green tea a day for an 8 week period would help you reduce at least six pound. Green tea contains epigallocatechin-3-galatte of catechin which boosts the metabolism. You can either have it fresh or iced.
3 Coconut Oil
5 Ways To Burn Your Belly Fat
Coconut Oil
Although coconut oil is fat but it contains fatty acid that have a positive effect on the body. Aside from the fact that coconut oil is high on medium chain triglycerides it is also a thermo genic and it helps to burn fat.
One thing to note when using coconut oil is that it must be used moderately otherwise it would only increase your belly fat so you should indeed be cautious when using it.
Do not use coconut oil with other existing oil; replace all other oil with coconut oil, use coconut oil moderately, in fact use only 2 tablespoons a day and use it with whole and nutritious foods.
4 Lemon Water
5 Ways To Burn Your Belly Fat
Lemon Water
Lemon water increases enzymes that helps to detoxify the liver so it can function effectively as a stressed liver cannot metabolize fat efficiently and once a liver cannot metabolize fat then the fat gets stored up in your waistline.
5 Exercise
5 Ways To Burn Your Belly Fat
In achieving an excellent result, you must be able to stretch and tighten your muscles. This can only be achieved due to frequent exercise activities you engage your body in.

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