
Sunday 5 July 2015

‘Obama replicates Sodom and Gomorah’

It’s painful, disheartening to hear that the President of the United States, Barrack Obama, approved same-sex marriage in the US and the Supreme Court ruled in its favour, making it legal in all 50 states in the country. Marriage was established by God between a man and woman and God created all animals male and female. Now, Obama equates himself with God and signs an immoral act into law thereby provoking God to anger. Whoever is involved in the act is warned to flee from the wrath of God. It’s natural for male goats to be attracted to female goats and it’s practically unnatural and insane for male goat to mate with a male goat. The same is applicable to all animals. Now other parts of the world look up to the US, but this singular act of legalising immorality is not only condemnable but has brought shame to America and to Africa because of Obama’s African roots. This is an issue all previous American presidents never toyed with. Why are we on our way to Sodom and Gomorah? Why are we inviting the wrath of God? Why are we on our way to destruction? Why are we reasoning below the levels of animals? I want to thank Nigerian senators for opposing it.

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