
Sunday 5 July 2015

NO Stolen funds will pass through US banking system

ABUJA: The United States (US) has disclosed that it would ensure that no stolen funds from Nigeria are laundered through its banking system.
The US Ambassador to Nigeria, James Entwistle, who made this disclosure during his country’s 239th Independence Anniversary Celebration on Saturday in Abuja.
“As you fight corruption, we offer technical assistance, training for investigators and prosecutors, and a commitment to ensure that no stolen funds are laundered through our banking system. As you improve the business climate, we encourage trade and investment.
“As you fight Boko Haram and secure and rebuild the Northeast, we will continue to help in every appropriate way. As you lead the effort to provide humanitarian aid to those driven from their communities and help them return home, we assist with food, medical care, and education programs,” the envoy said.
Entwistle stated that the US would help companies to invest in building more electricity infrastructure, especially environmentally-friendly power generation, as the Federal Government continues privatization of its power grid, through President Obama’s Power Africa initiative.
“As you increase your commitment to healthcare and education, we support those efforts too. Every step of the way, we will fulfill the commitment of our Declaration of Independence made 239 years ago, to treat all of humanity, in peace, as friends,” he added.
He assured that the US would stand “with every Nigerian who believes that this country can be healthier, safer, and more prosperous.”
Entwistle said Nigerians have no better friends than the Americans.
His words: “As I told President Jonathan when I arrived in Nigeria in November 2013, and as Secretary Kerry told President Buhari when they met immediately after the presidential inauguration (and, as I am sure President Obama will tell President Buhari directly when he receives him in the Oval Office at the White House on July 20), the people of Nigeria have no better friend than the United States.”
“We have maintained a robust engagement in Nigeria for many years, and our partnership with your great nation runs deep. Over the years, we’ve worked with the Government of Nigeria on a host of issues—on elections, security, the Niger Delta, fighting infectious disease, and spurring broad-based, inclusive economic growth, just to name a few.
“It is clear that the future of Nigeria belongs to the people of Nigeria. More specifically, it belongs to Nigeria’s heroes — to those men and women who are brave enough to believe that they can change the world.”

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