
Monday 15 June 2015

Top 5 Most Memorable Extract From Buhari's Speech In SA

Muhammadu Buhari delivered a powerful speech at the opening session of the 25th Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union (AU).
Top 5 Most Memorable Extract From Buhari's Speech In SA
President Muhammadu Buhari at the AU Summit

It is already the second global occasion attended by Nigeria’s president. Days ago Buhari visited Germany for the G7 Summit. The world leaders pledged support to Nigeria in its fight against Boko Haram.
READ ALSO: PHOTOS: President Muhammadu Buhari Attends Gala Dinner In South Africa
Recall that many criticized Buhari over talking too generally at his inauguration.
In contrast, his June 14 speech given in South Africa contained all the details that were missing on May 29. The bullet points of his address presented below.
1. My election unique, historic
“For the first time in the practice of democracy in my country, an opposition party has defeated the ruling party in a keenly contested election.”
By saying so, Buhari once again stresses that Nigeria and Nigerians are ready for change, promised by the APC if elected.
2. Africa’s major problems
“Our continent is currently bedevilled by the twin evils of terrorism and insecurity; poverty, youth unemployment, and underdevelopment.”
The atrocities of Al-Shabab, Al-Qaida, Boko Haram are getting more terrifying. Not only does terrorism claims thousands of innocent lives, but paralyzes country development.
3. Massive enemy requires massive cooperation of allies on all the levels
“On our part, I was convinced on my assumption of office that the best approach would be to work within the framework of the Lake Chad Basin Commission to mobilse collective support to fight against Boko Haram. I have in this regard, directed the relocation of Nigeria’s Command Centre to place it closer to the theatre of action.”
Kenneth Minimah, the chief of army staff, has recently claimed that following the relocation, Nigerian should “expect the best and positive results soon”.
What is more, Buhari made known in Johannesburg that he had already ordered the immediate release of $21million to the Multinational Joint Task Force.
4. Crucial need to stop dangerous and desperate emigration attempts by improving conditions for the youths
“We must put an end to the so-called push factors that compel our young men and women to throw caution to the winds and risk life, limbs and all, on this dangerous adventure. We must redouble our efforts to sustain the economic development of our countries, ensure empowerment of our youths, create more jobs, improve and upgrade our infrastructure, and above all continue the enthronement of a regime of democracy, good governance and respect for human rights and rule of law.”
READ ALSO: Buhari Fulfills Pledge Regarding Fight Against Boko Haram
Yemi Osibanjo, Nigeria’s vice president, has hinted that the unemployed and poor Nigerians would receive N5,000 monthly. It was one of the striking APC’s campaign promises. Many doubted it could be fulfilled, taken the number of unemployed Nigerians and those living below income poverty line. However, the fact that Osinbajo recalls the pledge is already an inspiring development.
5. One more time stressing the importance of cooperation, in everything
“In this connection, we must persist in our collective endeavour to work together through the African Union and our respective Regional Economic Communities (RECs).”
On June 12 Olusegun Obasanjo shared a similar point of view by saying that integration on the basis of regional economic communities is a must.

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