
Wednesday 17 June 2015

Photo: Over 100 people killed by Boko Haram's Booby trap in Borno

Scores Killed By Boko Haram's Booby Trap In Borno

On June 16, Tuesday, over 100 people were reportedly killed after a Boko Haram booby trap exploded in the heart of the Munguno market in Borno.
Scores Killed By Boko Haram's Booby Trap In Borno
KSM news reports that a terrorist who disguised as a member of the state’s JTF vigilante group carried the booby trap into the market where it detonated and killed several people.
It was gathered that the vigilante members had earlier engaged insurgents in a fight and chased them out of the community.
While trying to escape, the members of the sect abandoned their weapons which included guns and other objects, one of which was a booby trap.
Scores Killed By Boko Haram's Booby Trap In Borno
According to eyewitnesses, one of the Boko Haram members who disguised as a vigilante member picked the up the item and went to the busy market where the explosive detonated.
Today, June 17, 62 bodies have been reportedly evacuated to the state special hospital morgue in Maiduguri.
Meanwhile, residents have been warned not to pick up any object which they are not sure of.
Scores Killed By Boko Haram's Booby Trap In Borno
Earlier this week suspected Boko Haram insurgents bombed the area near Alagarino village, Borno state, killing seven people. As a result of the explosion, at least three soldiers, one mobile police officer (mopol) and three other people were killed.

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